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Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: Legal Question and PotD 7

What is the actual real legal difference between having two middle names and two last names (not hypenated). I'd really like to be mrs. queen ofthe 1ring srwalter. Obviously we all know you only have the option for 1 middle initial. Secondly, I'd like to be able to legally be queen ofthe 1ring, as well as queen srwalter. Although, since I'm not really sure what "legally" means in this case...

Ok, ignore the ramblings. What is the difference between having two middle names and two last names. The only things I can find are on baby forums where people give their children many names on the birth cert only (not on ss card) or a marriage site where it seems like no one particularly cares about the legality of doing what they want to. I am planning a much belated trip to the SS office this week to finally start the process of changing my name.

Yeah, I suck at remembering to journal. Since I missed a couple of days, I will put a few extras on this one.

Through the Arch by ~antipex

Golden by ~antipex

pomegranate 1 by *Sadiya. It is grossly medical looking to me.

Snow Flake Across a Gap and Snowflake 1 by =CrazyMonkey-Ben. Merely because I am jealous.

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Legal Question and PotD

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  • From what I recall, you can call yourself whatever you want, as long as it is not for fraudulent purposes. Multiple middle names are certainly all right (ref President George H. W. Bush (41)), though you would have to decide which one to use on forms. Probably best to be consistent. As far as two last names are concerned, do you mean using both at the same time, or one of them sometimes and one of them other times? It sounds like the latter, from what you said. I think that's fine - many women remain k
    • I would like to use one name sometimes, and the other one other times. For example, if I am ever able to become any sort of artist, I would use 1ring as my last name, but just for general purposes I would use srwalter. The problem seems to be the driver's liscense. You are only allowed one last name, unless you hyphenate, and I think maybe even only one middle initial. So I would chose srwalter to make things easier (particularly if something were to happen to me, husband wouldn't have to worry about p

      • by turg ( 19864 ) *
        Well, as an artist, you can sign your paintings with any name you want. You could actually use "Queen of the One Ring" if you wanted. It's only for official stuff like opening back accounts that it matters. And even then you can just register it as your business name (around here this costs $60 and can be done on the web in about 20 minutes) and then you can open a bank account in that name and accept cheques made out to that name, etc.
        • If I ever wanted to publish my writings, or sell my art as prints or whatever, I would do so under my "old" name. But in general, I would use the "new" name for banks and whatever else. Having the same last name seems to make things easier. Essentially, I want to have my cake and eat it too. I'm trying to gain weight you know. ;-)

          Hmm... I just read something. "A marriage certificate granted by the state showing your new name qualifies as a legal name change. But although you have legally changed y

  • Here's how it works here (Ontario, Canada). My understanding is that it's pretty much the same in other provinces or US states.

    First of all, you can legally change your name to anything that can be represented by the Roman alphabet, any number of words. The fees for doing so are waived if you are filling in the forms within 90 days of your marriage.

    However, using that procedure is not encouraged for changing your name upon marriage. All you have to do is show your wedding certificate, and anyplace you deal
    • Thank you for the very detailed response.

      So far, about half of the things that require a name have been changed, with no proof at all. My car insurance reads queen 1(ring) srwalter, which surprises me that they didn't require it to match my driver's license. I have a credit card in the name of queen srwalter. No one has really asked for any validation at all.

      I think that in order to get a new name on the driver's license I have to have a ss card with the name to be used. Actually, I'm not sure

      • My mother goes by three different names, including on different credit cards. First M. Maiden, First M. MaidenMarried, and First M. Married

        On the writing/artist work, I believe you can be anyone with a standard DBA (Doing Business As) Business License.

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