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Journal Zerbey's Journal: Baby Update: 11/29/2002

Thomas is being discharged tomorrow!!!!

We had training today on how to give him his medication once he gets home, he takes very small doses (a matter of a few micrograms) so they have to be given with a syringe - the last time I used one was 8 years ago in science class.

Thomas is getting really good at bottle feeding now, he'll be a professional at it before long, 85ml's today at one of his feedings (3oz)! When I fed him tonight he pulled the bottle back when I tried to burp him :-)

He was taken off the apnea monitor today, which monitors his heartbeat and respitory rates and Lipman feels there is no reason for him to come home with one as he did not have any episodes during his stay. He is now completely free of tubes and wires. The final medical procedure will be tomorrow when he is circumcised. I was circumcised aged 12, I would not wish the pain I went through on anyone so it is better to just get it over with when he is too young to remember.

A CONS is an object which cares. -- Bernie Greenberg.
