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Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: Harry Potter and PotD

I got bored a few minutes ago, so I went on a bit of a link fest. So after attempting to read the journal of this girl I went to highschool with, I found this link for a Harry Potter spoiler of doom.

The one I got was pretty stupid: Draco Malfoy goes on a hot date with Draco Malfoy using the Whomping Willow. Oh, this one is better: Draco Malfoy is killed by the zombie Albus Dumbledore in Diagon Alley. Anyways, enjoy.

While I'm on the subject of Harry Potter, I think the latest movie looks better than the book it is derived from. Prisoner of Azkaban was my favorite book, and I think series kind of went down hill from there. I hope the last book is more satisfying than the others have been. And I'm of the opinion that Harry Potter should die in the end.

Also, I have way too many saved arts in my dA inbox, so I'm going to attempt to post one or two per day until it is empty again.

my stars by cansrox.

Windy Day by antipex.

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Harry Potter and PotD

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