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Journal red5's Journal: Kylie's birthday. 2

What can happen in three days?

I went over to the shop and talked to the guys about my car. They wanted around 5.5K for the work. That's a little steep but he was talking about taking the whole thing apart. I don't have that sort of money just now. I'm sitting on 3.5-4. We told them we'd think about it.

We drove to this other shop to see the guy there. The guy was a goat man. He just restored his 67. He also showed me a picture of a 66 they restored last year. He said to bring it by and he could give me a quote. The guy was Petty nice and the better business bureau plaque on the wall (and the fact that we're both white) told me that he didn't see me as some rich white kid he could squeeze a few grand out of.

I agreed to spend the day helping my dad out. First we went to this large house and he put in a few sconces. Then we went to this bar there building in chinatown. My job there was to basically stay out of the way and do what ever my dad needed. I also signed for a package and chased down the owners dog when it snuck out an open door. Nothing of great importance, but I got to catch up on father son time.

While we were in chinatown we got some milk-tea with tapiocas. It's sort of new (to me any way). In chinatown there are these juice bars. They make you a drink and then seal it with this cool stamp machine. Try it out some time it's really good.

We went by the shop and got the car towed to the second shop. The guy there quoted me 2K for painting it and taking care of the rust. Yeah me! He Told me he'd start on it right away and be done in about two weeks. I'll finally have a car. I can't wait. He needed a deposit. He preferred cash so he could order part sooner rather than wait for it to clear.

My dad had to go to chinatown as he had an inspection scheduled. I went with him as I needed a ride to the bank. After the inspection. I withdrew the money and drooped it off at the shop (and got a receipt of course).

Our family is actually celebrating thanksgiving2 on sunday, but it was my dogs birthday today. She's six now. On November 28 1996 (which was also a thanksgiving). The guy my sister was seeing found a puppy on a dirt road by his house. She had just been born (still had the umbilical cord). My sister fed her from a bottle and against all odds she survived.

My dad has a lot of work till about the end of the year. So he needs a helper. It's not the most cerebral work. but what the hell. I am now officially a construction worker. It's not the greatest paying job on earth, but I get this nifty looking blue collar.
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Kylie's birthday.

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  • i have a friend who keeps telling me i have to try that stuff. he says the flavor is very similar to thai iced tea. it sounds like it could be something good since i like both thai iced tea and tapioca.

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