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Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: disappointed. 7

As I was packing today for my and husband's trip back to p-town, I remembered the photo contest. I entered last year, but both entries were rejected. This year I had decided to enter the photos I had wanted to enter last year but other people had talked me out of. I had them printed and framed when my parentals came up some weeks ago, but I hadn't titled them yet and held on to them instead of sending them back with the parentals.

I guess that was a mistake though, because the deadline was apparently today, and I will not be there in time. Oh well, I probably would not have won anyways. I'm still quite disappointed about it though. I really liked my selections.

Additionally I found a rebate form, that apparently had to be postmarked July 2. And a big stack of other mail that I thought I had sent out last week, but apparently not. Fortunately there were no bills in that stack...

I have been very forgetful lately. And the things I do remember I have to do, I don't do because they are stressful. Hopefully this trip will not be stressful.

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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  • I certainly hope your trip is good and the stress levels get better. I lost my job about a month after I got married and it took a pretty heavy toll. I ended up depressed and stupid, and it was just bad. But that was almost 4 years ago now, and things have gotten better.

    Hang in there!

    • I guess the trip was ok. I ended up having to drive 4 hours by myself back home, because husband ended up having to drive his sister's van back here. This is what happens when someone is moving and does not have a plan for how to get everything (including vehicles) to their new place. I got to see my family though, which was good.

      Well, I'm unemployed, depressed, and stupid after marriage as well. But I was before marriage too. I never really had a plan for what to do at this point in my life, but

  • I hope that it goes well.

    I really dislike rebates. I make sure that I send them off as soon as possible, now, after missing the deadline on a couple of relatively big ones.
    • The trip was ok. I got to spend time with my family, even though not so much with husband. And I had to drive all the way back by myself, which was not fun. No one on his side of the family is a planner, which really shows. And they don't really understand the concept of moving very well.

      The rebate was only for like $20, so it's not a terrible big deal. Husband was upset with me though. I don't guess it was really all that important to him though, because he had me fill it out, and when I gave it

  • Sometimes, it's just nice to go somewhere: anywhere. ;-)

    My wife and I have a niece staying with us for half the summer. I keep wanting to get the family to go see the largest tree on the planet [], but when I pitched the idea, it didn't take. I supposed I'm going to have to wait until I hear "this place is boring", and then make the pitch again. At 7,000+ feet elevation, it's a nice way to get out of the heat of the valley floor ( 108 Fahrenheit / 42 Celsius today ).

    • It was nice to see my family. The rest of the trip was kinda blah though, especially the me having to drive the 4.5 hours back by myself part. His family does not plan, which irritates the hell out of me.

      Sadly, when we lived in California we never went there. I think it would have been interesting.

      I remember the triple digit temps. It gets to the high 90's here, but with the humidity it is worse feeling.

      • by Degrees ( 220395 )
        I have heard that humidity makes things much worse. Once in a while, we get a wave of humidity here, and it does make the heat pretty oppressive.

        I don't mind long drives by myself, but I like them better if I have a podcast to listen too. Unfortunately, since switching to Linux, I've fallen out of habit of keeping my podcasts up to date.

It's not so hard to lift yourself by your bootstraps once you're off the ground. -- Daniel B. Luten
