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Journal jeeryg_flashaccess's Journal: AMD Reality Check

Holy crap. I went to the AMD even in Seattle last night and won 3 processors and $2500 from the Battle of the Boxes competition. Let me see here...my favorite taunts from the audience were...

"You're going backwards!" as I took the motherboard out to find a lost screw.

"GREG sucks!" Many people said this. Thank you all.

"Flash Asses.com? Is that a porn site?" Nope, I work at Flashaccess.com :)

"This must be an Intel screw driver" I muttered as I was struggleing to get screws into the motherboard. It may sound like a breeze to put screws in a motherboard, but up in front of 600 people is just a wee bit harder. After I got the board in I totally zoned out and finished with 37 seconds left. Good times.

I must say, after all that I am VERY lucky and feel very grateful to have been a part of it all. Thanks AMD!


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AMD Reality Check

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