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The Almighty Buck

Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: credit cards :-( 4

Well, I didn't have very good luck with the Citibank. Which I think should have tipped me off to my bad credit card karma.

I opened a JCPenney charge account to get a discount on some merchandise I was buying a few months back. Which I paid off with out a hitch. I bought something else there about a month back, got the bill in the mail at my parents house. I changed the address information, enclosed my check, and mailed off.

I got another bill in the mail today, at the changed address. Saying that I now owe fees since I did not pay my previous balance. Obviously they got it, since they were able to change the address, which was on the back of the bill enclosure. Obviously I don't want to pay their late fees either, especially since this is obviously not my fault. Now I am paranoid and am searching the area frantically to see if I some how did not enclose my check. I'm pretty certain I did though.

Now what do I do? Looks like I will have many more phone battles...

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credit cards :-(

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  • and Insurance companies are the hobgoblins of evil in our society. WE're starting to get our debt under control, but its still going to be years most likely before we're in the clear.
    • I would definitely agree with you. So far I have had an exceeding amount of trouble with insurance companies and credit card companies trying to charge me the wrong amounts. I am really upset because I have been trying so hard to make sure I am doing everything right, and they are fouling up my accounts and filing me as delinquent anyways. I'm very anal about money, and I know I sent that check in. I guess I will have to get them to issue me a new bill, without the finance and late charges, cancel the

  • I can get to my checking account online, including images of the checks. So I can prove very easily if I've made a payment. I make most payments online now, though, so I write only a few checks each month.

    I dislike credit card companies. The cards are convenient, but they will take advantage of you in every way that they can.
    • Sadly no, the check did not clear according to my online summary, although all the other ones I mailed at that time did so it should have cleared by now. If it had cleared, my claim would be so much easier...

      Frustratingly, the last check I wrote them they filed electronically which prevents me from seeing the cleared check scan. So now I wonder if their electronic payment thing did not work, they lost my check, or what. I know I sent it. I am so frazzled now.

      On the back of the new bill, it says

There are bugs and then there are bugs. And then there are bugs. -- Karl Lehenbauer
