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Operating Systems

Journal Ashtead's Journal: Oil goes to 11 ...

Notwithstanding the fact that the world's oil extraction is more like squeezing a sponge than emptying a bathtub, that is, it only really ends when it becomes unfeasibly expensive to squeeze the sponge harder -- it is said in the news that the oil will end in 2047.

Well, so does the address-range of a 2416, 6116, 2716, or other 2K by 8 or similar memory. Although that tends to be more commonly seen as 0x7FF -- or 111 1111 1111 binary... so does that mean that the oil-years counter only has 11 bits in it?

The y0x800 problem? try explaining that one :)

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Oil goes to 11 ...

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Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death. -- James F. Byrnes
