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Journal red5's Journal: red5 updates: Comdex, Vegas, Boy and his goat part 2. 6

The trip to comdex was pretty good. On the way there I got them to pretty much play all my music. They particularly liked Oakenfold, Freestylers and Timo Mass. (I could not find Way Out West but I'm sure he would have liked that a lot.) We made pretty good time and got there in under thee hours. The drive back took about four to five hours. They played there music. His girlfriend opened it up with cheese Hip-Pop and then he played Disco. I found solace in my iPOD.

The show for the most part was lame. The high points were:
  • I got two free demo copies of .NET server.(I'm going to make them fight :) )
  • I road on a segway. I had to wait an hour in line, but it was worth it. (Those things are cool.)

I really don't like Vegas. It's like a cheep fake copy of a bunch of nice places to visit. I find it ironic how the buffet is the big draw as it's the perfect metaphor for Vegas as a restaurant.

I loathe buffets. They're for overweight people who eat too much and don't know what good food tastes like. I can stand them every now and again, but all we ate while we were there was buffets.

Well I can't complain too much my friend paid for it all not me. :-) I went to Vegas for three days and two nights, and only spent about 20 bucks. I even got to see one of the worst movies of all-time (Half past dead).

I called up the bodyshop my mechanic referred to me and got my car towed there. I couldn't drive it because the left-rear tire is flat the wind shield is cracked and the temp registration is expired.

I got there and everyone had a look at it. I talked to the guy about colour and other things. I'm getting rid of the lame after-market sunroof and I don't want a vinyl top. I'm going red but I haven't picked a shade just yet.

I told them I'd be there tomorrow with my dad to sort out the details and with that I walked home. The place is 15 minutes from my home on foot. Which is well within what I call walking distance.

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red5 updates: Comdex, Vegas, Boy and his goat part 2.

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  • Segway and buffets (Score:3, Interesting)

    by banky ( 9941 ) <gregg AT neurobashing DOT com> on Tuesday November 26, 2002 @09:44AM (#4758145) Homepage Journal
    A buffet can be good; don't let the Shoney's turn you off to the concept altogether. In fact they can be quite classy, under the right conditions.

    The Segway is a solution looking for a problem. It's an amazing piece of tech; but who needs one?

    I would also like to mention that my iPod is no longer a chick magnet. Only dudes seem to care what it is. Hope yours is doing better.
    • A buffet can be good; don't let the Shoney's turn you off to the concept altogether. In fact they can be quite classy, under the right conditions.

      I've been to one classy dinner that had one. I think the biggest difference was the style of food. It (the classy dinner) actually picked one and stuck with it instead of trying to be all things to all people.

      The Segway is a solution looking for a problem. It's an amazing piece of tech; but who needs one?

      Hey I never said I was going to buy one (5k for a scooter?). They are rather impressive though. I was doing reverse-figure 8's within 3 minutes of training time.

      As for my iPOD, I've not been carrying it around with me all that much lately so I don't know.
  • the day that 15 minutes is outside of walking distance is the day that you might want to consider spending less time at those buffets.
    • by red5 ( 51324 )
      the day that 15 minutes is outside of walking distance is the day that you might want to consider spending less time at those buffets.

      I tend to walk a little faster than most people. My 15 is another person's 20. Once a walk gets around 25 or more I call it hiking distance.
    • the day that 15 minutes is outside of walking distance is the day that you might want to consider spending less time at those buffets.

      No kidding. I park 0.8 miles (1.1 kilometers) from the office. It's free parking out there, and the walk takes about 7 minutes at a nice pace. People think I'm nuts for doing that. I spend about 15 minutes a day walking, and these people don't think thats worth saving $6. I'm sorry, but that comes out to $90/hour and I'm pretty sure no one here is making that much. Lazy bastards...

      To red5: I am envious of you riding the segway. Those things are damn cool. Glad you had a good trip, and welcome back!
      • I probably spend a good hour every day walking to and from my classes (aided by the fact that I go home for lunch). Besides the fact that parking anywhere closer than my house requires you to pay for parking, not being sedentary is good for you (especially if you're just going to sit around all day at your destination). A 7 minute walk is not bad at all. The people who think you're nuts should maybe consider parking a little further away themselves- it would probably do them some good. :)

The young lady had an unusual list, Linked in part to a structural weakness. She set no preconditions.
