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Journal WannaBeGeekGirl's Journal: Paper's Pen Yields to One More Powerful


Let your eyes be the afterglow
The incandescent light that leads me
To the one dark cavern of a perfect place
Where I can release my elytron wings
Oxidised from the stasis of eternal sleep.
And know that the alchemists sky
Still reigns in opalescent liquid gold
As shadows on the edge of ethereal light form a blanket
A nexus between the nightfall and the fading day
And I came so near to your soul, to find a remedy
Access the fire caught in your eyes
Through a rainbow of onyx; gimcrack flashes that flush
like a glow worm in the dark, the feeling that never dies
Drawing me in, pulling me closer, like moths
Moved to taste the candle flame
Free to swim in a daze, in a firestorm of fireflies
In hybrid shades of summer, a woven tapestry
Marking our place in a lost suburban haze
Making our hearts and thoughts meld, become on or the same;
Now let your eyes be the afterglow; your fingers the flame

© Shadow Rapture 2006

Grats on your first publication Lady Opium Col, I always believed in you and your pen, much love, ~pf
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Paper's Pen Yields to One More Powerful

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"Spock, did you see the looks on their faces?" "Yes, Captain, a sort of vacant contentment."
