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Lord of the Rings

Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: Day Of 7

I was the second one up (first being bro, on account of his having to go to school that day) so I had one of the pastry things my mom had bought. In hindsight I should have had something more substantial than that, but I was expecting I'd be able to eat again that day.

Bro went off to school with strict orders from mom to leave early, whether the school was going to allow him to or not. Dad and Uncle left to run some last minute errands (including getting my glasses fixed). Mom and I headed off to make arrangements for the other relatives coming in, and to get my hair done.

Hair was the major crisis of the day. That was my 3rd hairdresser, which I may or may not have mentioned before. But anyways, had a tentative appointment (where they don't really do appointments) for 10:15. That was a much later time to begin with than I had wanted, considering I was supposed to be at the church all ready to go by noon. I got there at 10, just after some woman who wanted a haircut, so I had to wait.

The lady finished that woman's hair at !0:10, cleans up her workstation. And then goes into the backroom until like 10:30. My mom got there just after I was getting in the chair, and was not pleased. We told her she had to be done by 11:30, so at 11 I was still sitting there in curlers. To make things worse, she ripped out what she did the first time and started all over. We didn't leave there until 10 before noon.

Fortunately husband was actually there early and ready, so when the photographer showed up a few minutes late she had something to do while I got ready. Not enough to do though because she busted into the bathroom as I was trying to step into my dress and would not leave without taking pictures of my ass. I yelled at her but the bitch would not go.

The photography went fine, and we finished quite earlier than I expected. I sat in the bathroom with MoH, while random guest filed in to say hello and whatnot. When I went to put on my necklace, the chain broke. At that point I told them to just throw it away, because I didn't care. They fixed it anyways though. MoH (a much experienced bridesmaid) told me I was the calmest bride she had ever worked with. I was outwardly calm anyways. Actually I was pretty calm that day.

Ceremony went fine, with no repeating of the vows, thankfully. The vows were really long anyways, so I probably would have gotten frustrated and said "I do, now let's get on with it" if I had to repeat them all. We did a receiving line by accident, even though I didn't want to, because I couldn't drag husband very far from the chapel door.

It's kind of surprising how much the reception is not about you. You want it to be about you for ego's sake, but really, once you've cut the cake and sit down, people pretty much ignore you. Mom's "secret family recipe" blue punch went over quite well.

After we finished eating our cake, husband and I trolled around and said hello to everyone. I got too many compliments, it made me uncomfortable. His mom asked to see our rings, and said in an obviously strained smile "they're very pretty" so I guess no forgive/forget there. She also didn't even say hi or hug me during our accidental receiving line. My parents hugged husband. I'm getting the impression that my in-laws don't really like me all that much, especially from what husband told me about the rehersal dinner.

Anywhoo, about a half hour later, we escaped with the photographer to this little historical park thing for more pictures. Sadly, the whole point of me wanting outdoor pictures was for the flowers. Most of the places she posed us had no flowers, and one had this very unattractive dead looking vine thing. I ended up being very underwhelmed by the photographer, but I am hoping the pictures come out ok. She didn't do the usual hand photo to show the rings off or anything, so I guess I will have to figure out how to get my camera to do that one myself.

While we were getting out pictures made outdoors, husbands friends all came over and maimed his car. At about 5pm, I was finally able to eat again, having not eaten since about 7:30am. Needless to say it was long overdue. Now I understand why MoH was so upset with me when I told her I hadn't had time for lunch.

But anyways, yay it's over! And I guess I don't have to hate husband after all for making me do it. I still would have preferred the eloping though.

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Day Of

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  • Do you have any pics online? ;-)
    • Sadly no, as I don't even have any physical pics back from the photographer yet. They are supposed to be done now (I think) so the earliest I could get them is monday when my parents come down.

      I don't expect that we will get them back on time though. When my mom saw her this past monday and asked about them, the photographer got rather upset. Especially when my mom reminded her that we wanted a CD of the pics as well, so we don't have to scan them all ourselves.

  • Yes - the same thing happened to us at the reception; there was a lot of scurrying around by the wedding planner to make sure people were taken care of, but my wife and I were left to ourselves. Even though it was important that we get served food first, it wasn't a whole lot of food, and we were famished by early evening.

    My wife and I did the wedding cake thing nicely - no cramming the cake into the other's mouth. My wife's cousins were trying to goad her into being mean to me.

    I'm glad that things went r

    • We did the wedding cake thing nicely too. My uncle had asked about that, and asked if I would hit husband if he was mean. I said heck yeah I would hit him.

      It was good, but exhausting. After everything was over I had a severe adrenaline crash.

      We actually didn't do any dancing. Neither husband nor I are dancers. In fact everyone forgot to turn on the background music, but I don't think any of the guests noticed it's absence. We did bubbles as the send off item, instead of rosepetals and whateve

  • Hope, health, and happiness;
    Well-wishes for the future.

    Sorry I'm not around more, but I keep an eye.

There are bugs and then there are bugs. And then there are bugs. -- Karl Lehenbauer
