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Journal twitter's Journal: Walmart Employee Fired for Bad MySpace Joke. 1

Walmart employee David Noordewier was fired from his job as a cashier for posting a joke to his MySpace page.

he was called into the office as soon as he arrived at work. Officials had him sign an acknowledgment that he was fired for "gross misconduct - integrity issue," which the company described as "theft, violent act, dishonesty or misappropriation of company assets,"

With a record of near-perfect attendance and exemplary customer service - which includes a personal thank-you letter from the company president in response to compliments from a customer Noordewier had helped - he said the firing came as a surprise.

Sooner or later managers are going to realize this kind of thing is bad for the company, unfair to the employee and bad for their company image.

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Walmart Employee Fired for Bad MySpace Joke.

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  • Anyone that's worked shit jobs knows that the management often buys into the whole company loyalty thing. No one that's a 'lifer' wants to admit that their job is a joke. Really, to be fired from a job like that is a favor in every sense of the word, IE benefits not withstanding.

FORTRAN is a good example of a language which is easier to parse using ad hoc techniques. -- D. Gries [What's good about it? Ed.]
