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Journal spun's Journal: What the Folk?

Okay, if you've never heard of the New Zealand digi-folk musical comedy duo, Flight of the Conchords, you need to check them out ASAP. We recorded their HBO One Night Stand special about a year ago. Since then, the wife and I have watched it, oh, probably twenty times, and it is just as funny as it was the first time.

Their official website is at http://www.conchords.co.nz/, and their biggest fansite is at http://www.whatthefolk.net/.

I just found out, they have been signed to do an 11 episode sitcom for HBO, premiering June 17th, and the first episode is online! http://www.hbo.com/conchords/

We dropped HBO after Rome ended, this is all the excuse I need to sign back up.

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What the Folk?

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