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User Journal

Journal Zerbey's Journal: Baby Update: 11/21/2002

Thomas continuing to improve, he is now taking 2 - 3 bottle feeds per day and his vitals are continuing to remain stable. Once he is on permanent bottle feeds and his stats remain stable he can go home.

He actually stayed awake when I picked him up yesterday and couldn't keep his eyes off me, so maybe I'm not so boring after all. Since he is off most of the tubes now (the only one left is a feeding tube) he can wear clothing so we brought his own clothes from home. The child has more clothes than I do, the net result of my wife working for Gymboree for the last 18 months (before she went on maternity leave).

I am totally convinced he and the two babies on either side are having some sort of competition to see who can make their alarms go off the most. They have all worked out that if they wiggle around enough the monitor starts going off and they get attention. It's cute :)

Everything that can be invented has been invented. -- Charles Duell, Director of U.S. Patent Office, 1899
