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Journal Zerbey's Journal: Baby Update: 11/19/2002 (2)

Results from the EKG and Ultrasounds on Thomas's heart showed nothing unusual - this means we are now cautiously confident he has a virus causing his heart not to pump hard enough!

He is responding very well to the drugs he was put on yesterday and they have reduced his oxygen to 23%. If he continues to improve he will be taken off the CPAP today and placed on a Canulla.

A CPAP blows purified oxygen directly into his nose to keep his lungs open, the idea being he doesn't have to breathe so hard. The disadvantage is it is very uncomfortable for him as it is positioned inside his nose, it also causes a buildup of air inside his stomach (picture really bad indigestion) that has to be sucked out every couple of hours. A Canulla sits under his nose and is much more comfortable (ER has one in just about every episode, it's a thin plastic tube), however it is less effecient. The next step will be allowing him to breathe completely on his own.

"I'm not afraid of dying, I just don't want to be there when it happens." -- Woody Allen
