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Journal ak3ldama's Journal: Mindless /. Moderators Strike Again 3

Check out what appears to be the first post on the "Google Earth Highlights Darfur" article. This idiot posts up mindless extreme liberal bullshit: "Next step? What about showing the destruction of Irak by US troops?" and gets moderated to 3 as Insightful? Are you f@#$ing kidding me? This may actually be a struggle to see who can expend the most moderator points as it is now:
70% Interesting
20% Flamebait
10% Troll
Anyways, way to go /. you continue to amaze me. Hell, this guy was probably joking. I don't see how anyone could say such a thing with a straight face. The distruction in this region (it already looks like a desert wasteland that I would never want to inhabit) is caused by disagreements over the democratic process and the problems caused by the two seperate muslim populations. It is basically a microcosm of the growing Shia sentiment and how they want a few seats at the table for future discussions and a word on the future of the religion of Islam. To blame Americans is rediculous.

Btw: In South Dakota we have an area of the state that looks kind of like Iraq (except prettier), we call it the Badlands. Because no one in their right mind would want to live there.

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Mindless /. Moderators Strike Again

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  • IEDs don't take down entire neighbrhoods.

    A10's do.

    The interneccine fighting is not something that is innate - Shia and Sunni foght alongside one another, against shi'ite "martyrs" from Iran, for TEN years. The U.S. - following Israeli wishes - has deliberately inflamed the ethnic situation, to split Iraq into peices. Chaos is the plan.

    You have a weak grip on history, and zero understanding of the near-east. This is no obstacle in adhereing to doctrinary points-of-view!
    • I have given thought to what you said, and I was kind of at a loss. I don't know how this conversation would turn out other than you and I disagreeing with each other, possibly even boiling with anger. So I am just going to disagree with you.
      ... Btw: I looked at your recent JE's. The current administration, I hope, will be looked back upon with massive disgust. This problem with them losing emails is just one reason why. The Iacocca thing is interesting too, the example part from the book is really goo

A modem is a baudy house.
