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Journal twitter's Journal: M$ Brings Harrasement and Envy to European PS3 Events. 5

In an article titled, Microsoft crashes Sony PS3 launch, the BBC tells us about a whole new kind of chair throwing:

At the Virgin Megastore in London's Oxford Street, the software giant handed out chairs to those queuing that had a website address printed on them. Anyone visiting the webpage saw an Xbox 360 branded site that "welcomes" Sony to the next generation and chides the electronics giant for being "late". Microsoft's Xbox 360 launched in late 2005.

Nice. Sony's gift of a 46" HD TV to the first 100 people in the store was much nicer.

The envy was also visible in Paris where, "[Microsoft] drove its own boat covered in Xbox 360 logos up and down the Seine near the Sony craft."

The tables were turned in Berlin where 50 gamers got a free PS3 upgrade by smashing their Xbox 360 on a wall.

For all that, PS3 is selling better than the PS2 did.

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M$ Brings Harrasement and Envy to European PS3 Events.

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  • by dedazo ( 737510 )
    How do you classify this [fsf.org]? "Harrasement" and "Evy"? Or something else?

    You just can't win, can you twit?

    • There's are many differences between a group of volunteers standing on the street and a boatload of paid bully boys. The most obvious ones are attitude and message. On one side you have obnoxious and counterproductive marketing dishing out abuse. On the other side you have volunteers protesting the loss of your own rights handing out superior product.

      The Microsoft people were being obnoxious for money, nothing more. I'd be very surprised if people would spontaneously self organize over something as s

      • I think you gave that parent too much credit.

        There's are many differences between a group of volunteers standing on the street and a boatload of paid bully boys
        'nuff sed. :-)
      • Well twitter, to use the language you seem to enjoy so much, it doesn't really matter how much whipped cream you put on the shit - it's still shit.

        And your shit don't smell any better than anyone else's.

        Nice spin though. Very amusing.

        BTW, I'm still waiting for you to show me those lawsuits [slashdot.org] that "M$" used to "destroy" the PDA market. With bated breath and all that.

      • by dedazo ( 737510 )
        The petty purposes and end result are the same, regardless.

        No wonder someone once described you as the Faux News of Slashdot. I believe I stumbled into the "[no] spin zone" here.

"Look! There! Evil!.. pure and simple, total evil from the Eighth Dimension!" -- Buckaroo Banzai
