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Journal eno2001's Journal: DIGG: Rare Brilliance from a Digg Poster 7

Of course he's not an American. Still, it's EXACTLY the way I see America. God I wish I could afford to leave this sickening country. As it is I'm stuck here. But if I can make things turn around for myself, I will take the first ticket out of here. I really feel like I'd fit in better in the UK anyway. Anyone have any suggestions as to how to get myself out of the U.S. and into a nice IT job in England?

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DIGG: Rare Brilliance from a Digg Poster

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  • What about AUstralia or NZ? I think they are looking for tech oriented people to migrate.
    • by eno2001 ( 527078 )
      Well, AUS would be a dream. When I did look at the requirements for moving there a few years back when I visited, I either needed to be bringing $100,000 (AUS) with me or have proof of skills that would be beneficial to Australia. Well, I can say with certainty that having $100,000 to give to Australia is not anywhere within the realm of possibility. My skills might be useful (ie. profitable) to Australia, but, where...? Of course the question is also where to live down under. My wife and I loved Sydne
      • Howard is a toe-the-line US stooge. I'd buck for NZ, where the PM had the guts to kick out 2 Israeli spies.
        • The politics is the same no matter where you go. They kick out one pirate to support another. Every government is a stooge for one or the other. Just like prison, you pick a side, or you die alone. There is no escape on this tiny, little planet. We will always be in the crossfire to a certain extent. I base my location by the climate, so I would like to check out Broome [].
      • Happy Birthday! I wish you well with you attempts, but wanted to share one other thought, courtesy of my University history prof. An old Russian proverb says, "Never wish for a new King." Just a thought that you could end up with the same distaste in another country as you do now. Likely of course you've already thought of that, but I wanted to throw it out.
        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • by eno2001 ( 527078 )
          Wise proverb. I've given it a good deal of thought and the decisions have more to do with the cultures than politics. The politics just about anywhere are going to suck to one degree or another and the U.S. happens to be sucking the worst right now. But the culture is a bit more stationary. I'm not the "typical American Joe". Just a few striking examples:

          1. I don't like most guitar oriented "rock". Especially the more mainstream type stuff that gets played endlessly on the radio here. Don't like Grin

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