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Journal eno2001's Journal: OSes: Fictionally Based OSes 2

It's a shame that LainOS didn't really go anywhere. But it was obvious from the start why it wouldn't: no real concept + lack of actual developers with an itch. For any of you who have seen and are fans of the anime series "Serial Experiments: Lain", you would know that the actual functionality of the Copeland OS is not thoroughly investigated. There were some neat features displayed but nothing really that notable. For example, the voiceprint login that the system displays was done by Apple pre-Mac OS X and was hastily removed. Probably because it wasn't reliable. But that doesn't mean these things aren't possible. It just means that the developers aren't interested enough.

The remainder of the JE is basically going to be a list of what I consider to be missing features from all current OSes but that I believe are possible to implement. I invite you to comment, criticize and contribute:

1. Reliable voice print login or 3D face recognition
2. Hybrid CLI/GUI interaction
    a. Spell and syntax checking for the CLI language before execution outside of an editor
    b. Selecting a file/folder name in a GUI terminal and then dragging and dropping it to a file manager folder or the desktop behaves like the GUI file object
    c. Right clicking on a file/folder name in a shell gives you various options like rename, copy, move, link, delete
    d. Dragging a GUI object like a file/folder or http link to a shell window prompts for the appropriate CLI and GUI options (open in an editor, copy/move, open in a browser)
3. Application and data packaging into live movable objects between networked machines. For example, you have a 3D render happening on a slower box. You "package" the processes and data and send them to your more powerful box over the network for processing. This assumes centralized storage. ...have to leave now. Will add more later.

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OSes: Fictionally Based OSes

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  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    Application and data packaging into live movable objects between networked machines. For example, you have a 3D render happening on a slower box. You "package" the processes and data and send them to your more powerful box over the network for processing.

    You can essentially suspend a running vmware OS at any time; theoretically you could just copy the files to a faster machine and "resume" it.

    The other ones sounds kinda like xterm + a "gui" ls program :-) Or maybe a file browser with a command line stuck on

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion

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