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Journal OldMiner's Journal: Moderation

So I moderated for the first time and luckily found a fair amount of Informative and Insightful comments that had been heretofore neglected. Things with research and links to real web pages with relevant content. Amazing.

I was disappointed with the lack of moderation options, however. 'Troll' and 'Flaimbait' are about the same, but meanwhile there is no 'Uninformed' or 'Incorrect' moderation topic. One is left looking at either 'Offtopic' or 'Overrated'.

As other people have stated, Overrated and Underrated are closer to M2 than M1, but they 'fit' when other moderation reasons don't. The solution is to remove 'Underrated' and 'Overrated' and add more moderation reasons, starting with 'Uninformed' and 'Not Funny'.

Edit 26 Nov 2002

Apparently a partial swing in the right direction has occurred. According to CmdrTaco, Funny M2s are now given either "Funny" or "Unfunny" (as opposed to the normal "Fair" or "Unfair"). But this still leaves M1 with the kludge of "Troll" or "Overrated" for a comment marked as Funny which is bland. Perhaps I'm just too damn negative.

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