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Journal eglamkowski's Journal: Helium 1

So, Scam? Legit but not worth the effort? Or actually worthy of a few hours a week?

I'm trying it out myself, fiddling with different channels to see which ones generate the most interest, since I have no idea yet just what kind of crowd reads helium, if any.

In the food and cuisine channel I have an article posted: Chinese foods - Ever wonder about where certain foods come from? What food is native to which part of the world? This article explores foods native to China and Southeast Asia.

Over in politics and government I posted: The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy - Comparing the VLWC to the VRWC we've heard so much about in recent years.

In the history channel there's my article: America's Warrior Kings - A look at generals turned presidents in US history.

And finally, in the role-playing games channel I've got up: Character generation tips for Fading Suns

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  • You hit the nail on the head with the "projection" part. It's human nature.

    There may also be an additional component -- it's human nature to believe the person who says something the first. So by being the first to introduce the accusation of a vast conspiracy into the popular consciousness, the Left has insulated themselves to a large degree from the same accusation.

The more cordial the buyer's secretary, the greater the odds that the competition already has the order.
