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Journal Tsunayoshi's Journal: Don't need one but...

Not actively looking for a new job, nor do I need one as I am content where I am in spite of the numerous issues where I work. I am being recognized as knowing my shit and currently have so many projects, all "top-priority" of course, on my plate it is ridiciulous. It is also pretty much a 9-5 job, and in IT in the DC area, is pretty rare from what I gather.

While I am content, this sort of scares me since I like to be challenged at times, so I know that in a few years at this place I will become just another wage slave sitting in my cube. Hence I have just been seeing what is out there every week or so. Also, I now just do pure Solaris admin, and a few other related tasks like DNS, SANs, et.al., whereas my skillset include databases, windows domain, samba, networking and programming. I can't even get a console login on a Windows server that I have a management app running on because it belongs to the "Windows guys", so I have to submit a ticket and wait until they get around to it for something simple as running "license add " from a command prompt. That sort of stuff gets to you every once in awhile, and I don't ever want to get used to that kind of stovepiping.

So I just applied to a job with a company I've never heard of, small privately owned, still in the defense business so I would maintain my clearance, and the job description matches my skillset perfectly: systems administration in a heterogeneous linux/unix/windows environment. I am not really hoping as I probably blew their salary cap with my request, and if I get called in for an interview, I am going to make it clear that I am content with my current job and that I am there to interview the company to see if it is somewhere I would like to work for. I rarely hear of people pulling that off and actually getting an offer, although a former co-worker did that and landed a good job much closer to his house. He even went to the interview in jeans and a button down.

It is nice for once to be in a position of not NEEDING a new job and being able to browse the field with no urgency whatsoever.

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Don't need one but...

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