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Journal peacefinder's Journal: Eerie parallels 2

Compare two of today's quotes:

U.S. 'pursuing a new strategy in Iraq and I ask you to give it time to work' - Bush.


'Chill out, guys. I'm picking up the crayons already' - My three-year old, at about 6:30 PM PST, after several timeouts for not doing what we asked.

Apparently, the psychic reverberations of an internationally watched speech are quite powerful. We didn't even listen to it and she picked up the essential spirit of the President's message. Uncanny.

(She actually did pick up all the crayons after that, too. Maybe that's a hopeful omen.)

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Eerie parallels

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  • Dikembe Mutombo.......was born in Africa
  • I don't know whether it's a sad statement about me, or the current state of affairs, that I have more "full faith and confidence" in an e-friend's 3-yr old child's capability to clean up her mess than in the individual currently occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. cleaning up his - I mean, 3,000 or more of his crayons are already broken...

An adequate bootstrap is a contradiction in terms.
