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Journal red5's Journal: Who needs sleep anyway? 7

After I quit work, I started staying up later (5 - 6 AM) and sleeping in (2 - 4 PM). Around the time daylight savings kicked in I was pretty much nocturnal. I realised that I would have to do something drastic if I ever wanted to see daylight again. The plan was to try and stay up a as long as I could, and crash at a respectable time the following day.

It worked out alright. Saturday night I didn't sleep at all. Instead I stayed up all night playing UT. Sunday morning I made myself a bowl of oatmeal then I took my dog to see the sunrise. It occurred to me that was the most light I'd seen in a week or so.

I got back to the house and played Here Comes The Sun by the Beatles. Yeah, that was a bit corny I guess. Sue me. That reminded me that one of the old people stations has "Breakfast with the Beatles" on sunday mornings. My dad used to cook breakfast and play it every sunday.

When my mom got up I told her we should do something like that. The only thing we need was more milk. I took the dog for a run to the store to pick that up, and my mom cooked up a batch of waffles.

After that my sister came by and we got chai lattes with the dog. Thats three walks in one day. The dog did pretty good I'd say. Then me and my dad went to a couple of record stores and circuit city. I bought an old Bowie album ( I can't remember the title of hand but it had "Heroes" on it.), DJ Tiësto - In My Memory 12", Paul Oakenfold - Bunkka, and a long life battery for my MiniDV camera.

I finally crashed around 9:30 PM and woke up around 8 AM. It seemed like the plan worked great till Monday night when I couldn't sleep at all. WTF? Did my body adjust to a longer sleep cycle? At around 7:30 I finally gave up trying to sleep, had a coffee and faced my day.

It was a pretty productive day. I got through a few chapters in my FCP book. Then in the middle of that day around 4 PM I was lying down on the couch and watching TV when I just dosed off for three hours. I woke up around 7:30 to the news.

How am I going to get any sleep tonight? I can't really think of any way short of me drinking all the beer in the fridge, and I don't really feel like doing that right now.

Ah, screw it. Who needs sleep anyway?
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Who needs sleep anyway?

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  • Easy, exercise. Yeah yeah. I'm asking a lot. But going out for a 2 mile run every day for a week can sink up your time schedule, especially if you don't have the clock of work to build your day around. It ain't a magic pill but then what is?
    • If you are going to go on a UT binge, start in the early morning(10AM, not 10PM). That is what I have learned to do anyway.

      Not getting enough sleep will eventually drive you C R A Z Y. Didn't you ever see that ST:TNG episode?
    • I take my dog for a walk every day does that count? I do try and stay away from "magic pills" as much as posible. I was able to pull a sleep(28800) shortly after I posted this. Yeah me! Thanks everyone for the advice though. I'll use it if I have trouble again.
  • Your body hasn't adapted that quickly. Your cycle is fubar'ed. It took time to get that way. It will take a little time to undo it.

    Excercise is helpful. Don't know the biochemistry, but it is.

    Strict regimen for some time is helpful.

    There was some other stuff I was gonna write, but it went out of the brain, just like that.
  • First, eat certain foods that have chemicals that cause drowsiness when you want to go to sleep. Turkey is great. Also, spend an hour doing some real physical stuff before eating the turkey.

    After that, if you can stay awake I'll be impressed. Stay away from slipping pills, but they can help for purely cycle changes as long as you stop quickly. Also, half of an Unisom will help get you to sleep but wont mess with you too bad. I agree on the exercise thing, when my schedule gets really messed up I'll work out right before I need to sleep, and it helps wonders.
  • Enough said. :)

What we anticipate seldom occurs; what we least expect generally happens. -- Bengamin Disraeli
