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Journal benhocking's Journal: Chaco Pictures

For those who want to see pictures from my current Chaco trip, they're now up. When I have some time, I might annotate them. For those interested in seeing the bobcat, there are five pictures of him about half way down. The pictures start from a nice safe distance and then go around back where I can get to a nicer, less safe distance. The final picture of the bobcat was actually taken by someone else who was already standing about 4 feet from the bobcat. No point in two of us getting our faces scratched. As for pictures of me, 4 of the last 5 pictures have me in them. I'm the one in the black jacket.

Pictures from my 2006 Chaco Trip have captions for those who want even more Chaco.

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Chaco Pictures

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If a subordinate asks you a pertinent question, look at him as if he had lost his senses. When he looks down, paraphrase the question back at him.
