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Journal OSTG Marketing's Journal: OLPC Gearing Up for Prime Time

The One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project will begin to ship its XO laptops worldwide this July. The machines are being produced by Quanta Computer Inc. and powered with a 366-megahertz AMD processor. "At the core of the XO interface, developers are now announcing the first details of Sugar, the OLPC Human Interface. Sugar provides chat and sharing functions for the core applications featured on the OLPC. Christopher Blizzard, a lead developer for the OLPC project, emphasizes "We want this interface to be social. This means that kids can communicate in every app that they can show each other things, that they can take each other on tours of the web and many other ways of collaborating.""
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OLPC Gearing Up for Prime Time

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Heisengberg might have been here.
