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Journal drunkrussian's Journal: Four-Day Weekend

Well, I'm almost one day through the four-day weekend. Let's see how it goes...

My major accomplishments so far today: finishing up a chapter in The Company (an excellent book, by the way), watching Office Space (an excellent movie, by the way), and going to Chili's (an excellent restaurant, by the way).

Went to a Caps game on Friday with Ben and Chris. That was awesome...makes me wish I paid attention to the NHL more. I can play hockey, but I don't follow it. By the way, you can get tickets for $10 (and, although they're the highest seats in the MCI center, you can still follow the game...now, for basketball, those seats would suck, but hockey works). No nosebleeds among anyone in that section, luckily.

Hmm...seems like everyone is out of town this weekend. It'd be nice to be able to do something with friends...if you want to do something, give me a call.

Grr...I wish I could do something cool this weekend, since I only get them a couple of times a year (although there's the summer, but I'll probably be working again next summer). Speaking of which, I sent in my application for a job at an intelligence agency on Friday...I think I have a good shot at it, but I'm not sure I want to leave the DOD for the intelligence community...everyone in the office has been great to me, and I'm not sure it'd be as good elsewhere. Plus, it would mean a slight cut in pay. Oh well...I guess I'll just have to see what comes of it. No sense counting my chickens before they're hatched.

This four-day weekend also worries me for another reason. I was working hard during the summer. I worked hard for the majority of the first quarter. However, we had a short break, over which I had no work. When we came back, it took me a little while to get back into the swing of things. If I don't want to take a hit in my grades, I'll have to get right back to working hard at school. That's why I'm thinking about going in to work (at the office) on Monday and Tuesday. *shrug* I guess I'll have to see if any of my friends are in town.

Hockey tomorrow - excellent.

Finally, I seem to be forgetting one or two things every day. Very rarely are they big things, but I still just forget small things. I'm worried that one day it's going to be something big. I did manage to embarass myself by forgetting that I had a meeting with the Vice Chairman of the JCS, and though I did show up for it, had I remembered, I would have worn a jacket and tie. A lot of you have probably heard that story...if not, ask me, because it's really a funny story (although you may question my competence after hearing it).

And the song du jour:

Bat your eyes girl
Be otherworldly
Count your blessings
Seduce a stranger
What's so wrong
With being happy?
Kudos to those who
See through sickness
Over and over
And over and over

She woke in the morning
She knew that her life
Had passed her by
She called out a warning
Don't ever let life pass you by

I suggest we
Learn to love ourselves
Before it's made illegal
When will we learn
When will we change
Just in time to see it
All come down

Those left standing
Will make millions
Writing books on ways
It should have been

She woke in the morning
She knew that her life
Had passed her by
She called out a warning
Don't ever let life pass you by

Floating in this cosmic Jacuzzi
We are like frogs oblivious
To the water starting to boil
Now I flinch and
We all float face down

She woke in the morning
She knew that her life
Had passed her by
She called out a warning
Don't ever let life pass you by
Pass you by

-Incubus, "Warning"
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Four-Day Weekend

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