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Journal indierockcafe.com's Journal: Google's Blogger and Gmail Problems

I've been running a couple of blogs on Google's Blogger for a while now and I can say without question that their servers are unable to handle the load of requests.

Most of the time when I publish to Blogger, it takes forever, times out or loses my post altogether (which means I do all my writing in Word and then copy and paste).

The program has a lot of great features (but they need many more) but it is unreliable, and that is unacceptable from company that has the resources Google does.

Perhaps they shouldn't have purchased Blogger. Nevertheless, I hope they work on its performance and features and solve them fairly soon or I will be yet another ex-Blogger that Google loses to TypePad, MoreOver, LiveJournal, etc.

Any of those who use Gmail, you must also have experienced difficulties with it, and on a regular basis, like I have.

Therefore, I think I will go the route so many other webmasters have gone - and not happily I must say - and find a reliable service for email and blogging.

Meanwhile, I hope Google is working diligently on it's server issues. They know what they load is, response time, down time, etc. As someone who relies on it presently, I need to be reassured it will get better. I'll even pay a reasonable monthly fee ($4.95, like Typepad charges) if that'll do it.

Apparently it is not a priority at the company because it has been unfixed for at least a year. I know so many people that gave up on Blogger and Gmail and some who even mock it or are bewildered by its success. (Great branding! Remember AOL's first 8 years?)

The folks at Google must know something we don't, otherwise why would they let two of the most popular things people do on the internet - blog and email - suffer from lousey performance and uptime?

I wish they would also implemented the auto-save feature on Blogger as they do with Gmail. I can't imagine that being a huge project, but who knows for sure without the real information.

Anyone else have these problems, comments or thoughts?

Phil indierockcafe.com@gmail.com


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I also write the Indie Rock Cafe blog: http://www.indierockcafe.com/ or http://indierockcafe.webcontentprofessionals.org/ and http://indierockcafe.typepad.com/

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Google's Blogger and Gmail Problems

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