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Christmas Cheer

Journal GMontag's Journal: G_dless Commie Hippy Global Warming Freaks 1

Saw this stupidity in the 'fire hose'.

Really not sure how to express what I read over there, but will give it a try or you can just go peek.

Somehow the original article writer is convinced that no inhabited delta island has ever disappeared before and his written assertion that this can only be caused by 'global warming' convinced the journal owner too.

This in turn brough out the theory that George Bush is an idiot who was somehow related to the destruction?

Not far into the thread it appears that this is an example of Republican induced global warming.

Currently, one of the last posts is about an earlier instance of this 'unprecedented' event.

If laughing until sore counts as Christmas Cheer, I got it over there.

This discussion was created by GMontag (42283) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

G_dless Commie Hippy Global Warming Freaks

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