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Journal SPAM: Spacetimecurves Blog: Flynt Leverett Talks 1

Flynt Leverett Talks

He basically tells C-Span what Dear Leader didn't want published in the New York Times.

Apparently the CIA had okayed it, but Bu$hCo didn't want that sucker out.

This boils down to

  1. the previous reports of Iran offering to negotiate a comprehensive deal for peace in the Middle East, and,
  2. The dialog that Iran had with the USA right after 9-11 and the lead up to Afghanistan.

Remember, the Iranians are Shiite, the Taliban are Wahhabi Sunni. Basically the Iranians don't like them, either.

The conclusions of the Op-Ed were that we're being lied to in order for Dear Leader and Big Time Dick to get this war on again with Iran.

On You Tube here. [Thanks to Uncle $cam]

Billmon suggests the Cheneyburton Corporation wants Total War in Iraq. Read what Bernhard's barflies think about that here. This is doubtless the reason the Joint Chiefs are pissed: when you go to War, you need an objective endpoint, and a pogrom is not an endpoint.

9:07 PM

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Spacetimecurves Blog: Flynt Leverett Talks

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  • ...generational blood fueds to keep the conflict going in perpetuity, and their plan has succeeded admirably. AFAIK, just about every family in iraq now has a blood feud with the US from direct or "collateral" damage. Check. Now all they have to do is translate that same sort of plan all over the middle east. Add in a few random false flag operations, whacking the heads off of "friendles" in abu grabass prison and blaming it on the jihadists, knocking off a few mosques, etc and you got yourself a nice 100 y

interlard - vt., to intersperse; diversify -- Webster's New World Dictionary Of The American Language
