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Journal OSTG Marketing's Journal: AMD flies in Hawk, Griffin notebook CPUs

AMD plans to fly. They've labeled their new platform, 'Kite' , a collection of technologies the chip maker recommends manufacturers incorporate alongside its Turion and Mobile Sempron processors. Kite will center on Hawk - a mobile CPU update that will support 800MHz DDR 2. "The next big change to AMD's laptop-friendly chipsets will come in Q4 with the debut of products that support DirectX 10, PCI Express 2 and HyperTransport 3. That's also - and not coincidentally - the timeframe for the arrival of Hawk's successor, 'Griffin', which with the new chipset(s) will form the 'Puma' platform. Puma will support the final, IEEE-ratified 802.11n standard, AMD expects."
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AMD flies in Hawk, Griffin notebook CPUs

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