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Journal Shadow Wrought's Journal: An Open Letter to the Owners of Star Trek 6

Today's Frontpage story on a new ST animated series reminded me of a JE I wrote a year ago, June. I'd like to attempt to restate it and, if you happen to be one of the owners of the Star Trek universe, I hereby grant you full license to take and use this as your own.

Star Trek is unique amogst just about every last TV show because of the ubiquity of its back story. The technology, history, and inhabitants are known by not only the biggest of fans, but many casual watchers as well. Instead of creating an entirely new addition to the Star Trek universe, one big enough to carry its own show, why not simply rely on the rich backstory that already exists?

My humble suggestion is a show in which each week's episode is self contained. Instead of a series, each episode would instead be a stand alone. Simlar to Law & Order, or Twilight Zone. It can take place at any point in the Star Trek unvierse from the Original Series, to The Next Generation, to Enterprise. In doing so it opens up the fertile Universe of Star Trek to new writers, different characters, and completely fresh stories. Marketing wise you could also have numerous different guest stars, writers, and directors. Everything from humor to horrer could be done as well, all still within the well known Star Trek universe.

So please, think it over, and once again the only compensation I desire is a decent hour of quality Science Fiction a week;-)

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An Open Letter to the Owners of Star Trek

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  • the '70's aminated Star Trek.

    There should be a Prisoner and Avengers done in this manner...
    • Or a live action Thunderbirds! ;-)

      I only have one memory of seeing a ST Animated series and it was a shot of the shuttle bay. There looked to be dozens of shuttlecraft in there and I was totally fascinated. I was then dissapointed to find out that the hanger only holds like one or two shuttlecraft. *sigh*

      One of the things I liked about Voyager was the creation of their uber-shuttle (the name of which escapes me). That was cool.

  • The Strange new Worlds Book series has a) a lot of material and b) a wide variety of settings.

    This might help such a concept work - the material is already there. Not suggesting they use the stories as is - but the ideas and concepts are there.
  • I only have one question in relation to a new Star Trek series: Is Rick Burman dead yet? No, then for the love of all that is good in Star Trek, don't make another series. I swear if I have to sit through one more "time anomaly" episode, which has more holes in it than swiss cheese, I'm going to hunt down Burman and his writing staff and gut the lot of them.
    Majel Barret should probably be dead as well before we have another series, but I'm more willing to put up with another "I'm still pretty, really" ch
    • I hear you. I seem to remember reading once that not only did he not see the Original Series as being canon, but he actively did what he could to marginalize it as much as possible.

      He should be dropped naked into a Trek convention with locked doors and no cops.

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