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Journal ribond's Journal: Stock VW Touareg tows 747 2

Remember those unrealistic truck commercials where some tinker-toy tows a semi? Those wacky germans at VW might not have understood it was hyperbole. They decided to have a (mostly) unmodified Touareg (v10!) tow a 155 ton 747-200 up and down a runway.... they don't really say why.

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Stock VW Touareg tows 747

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  • Wow, that's just bizarre. I wonder if the Germans also put together a video for that? It'd be interesting to see how fast it could tow it.
  • that car looks larger than the tractors that would normally move the aircraft. it does look cool because of the difference in size, but i don't think it really is too impressive from a purely technical standpoint.

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