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United States

Journal ke4roh's Journal: U.S. Companies Expanding Off-Shore High-Tech Labor

Charlotte, North Carolina based Bank of America is sending even more of its software development work to India in a move to cut costs according to The trend is not unique to BofA, either - reports, "The list of companies contracting for offshore tech services reads like a corporate `Who's Who' list: Target, Visa International, Gap, Boeing, Citigroup, Nordstrom, Bank of America and, of course, Oracle, Cisco Systems, Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft." It goes on, "'It's worrisome,' said Terry Oldberg, a Los Altos Hills engineer and organizer for the Programmers Guild. 'We're not organized to fight it.'
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U.S. Companies Expanding Off-Shore High-Tech Labor

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I've never been canoeing before, but I imagine there must be just a few simple heuristics you have to remember... Yes, don't fall out, and don't hit rocks.
