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Journal ak3ldama's Journal: CNN:

Tonight on CNN there is/was a piece on Islamist aggression. Now I don't want to waste too much time here: The problem with Islam is that extremist views aren't easily silenced. The good Muslims don't have many/any courses of action in retaliation against their extremist brethren. For that matter, what happens when someone tries to leave the faith? They are outcast, sometimes killed. The women aren't treated fairly, the Dhimmi are ... dhimmi. How can a country under Muslim control escape this sharia? This lack of freedom -- especially religious freedom, this combination of church and state is FUCKING SICKENING! I don't think that Islam can be classified as a religion, not with these levels of sanctioned integration into society, law and government. Now don't get me wrong. I support the right of Muslims to practice religion as they see fit -- for now. I also am fully prepared to go get my guns. This is the fourth thing which I am prepared to lay down my life for: (This is because the practices of Islam infringe directly onto the first three.)
* God
* Family
* Country
* Fighting the Muslims

The only question that remains is how will the Civilized world get through this 'medieval period' of Islam? If there is not some massive undertaking on the part of the mainstream 'Islam Nation' to (1.) silence extremism and (2.) separate church and state I just don't see us escaping World War 3.

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Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better not refuse.
