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Journal blinder's Journal: Not Dead Yet 8

i know its been a long time. i've been buried in project hell. wrapping up a large content management implementation for a large insurance company (who you have heard of) - using teamsite. for those who have not had the pleasure of developing with teamsite, let me spare you the misery and just say this: everything bad you've heard about it is probably true. i've worked with teamsite on many projects, and i'm as close to an expert on the product as one can be, and i have yet to encounter a project that goes smoothly with said product.

as this project was wrapping up, i was picked as the architect and development lead on another project, with an insanely aggressive time line. this is a huge project. so big that when it launches, well, you will know about it. it will make national news. i can't talk about it, and in fact, internally, we have to refer to the project using code words... and i can't even say what the code words are. needless to say, the site we are developing is very visible. i made all of the architectural decisions (opencms/linux/tomcat) - and i've been finishing up the technical design for the site.

i'm looking forward to the holiday break. i've been working like a gottdamn rented mule the last few months and the pace isn't slacking. hell, just a few weeks ago... they wanted to send me to bloody china to consult on another project. thankfully i got out of that little chore.

well, i just thought i'd drop a quick je. oh, and am i the only who gets dizzy walking up escalators that don't work?

This discussion was created by blinder (153117) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Not Dead Yet

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  • Why not just go full blown JBoss?? I ask this as I've never really heard the advantages of one vs the other... right now I'm using jboss, but its because I'm using EJB3 (hibernate3 and spring2 on top of the EJBs).
    • by blinder ( 153117 ) *
      for a variety of reasons, and i considered a full up jboss... but here's the deal. the project is to develop a website. a very "simple" one at that. basically without going into too much... we are using opencms as a content repository and for its basic workflow engine... content gets published into a database of our design and the front end (using a struts-lite-like framework i devised) pulls the content out of the database and presents it to the users (via a series of "action map" java classes that use vel
      • Cool, thanks for the info. My new thing is picking architects minds on stuff, so I hope you didn't mind.
  • I was stuck for 3 hours before they rescued me.


    Will you able to point us to your hard work when its launched at least? One of the things from the legal field is that there are cases I worked on yearsa go that I will never be able to fully talk about with people outside of the case itself. Not that there's a lot there, but every now and again I'll find myself about to relay an anecdote and having to check myself.

  • you were working on store.sun.com store, it no likey the iceweasel.
    • by blinder ( 153117 ) *
      heh not quite. trust me, when the site goes live, it will be breaking news on every news network... and it'll be a big freakin deal. its weird to think about it like that... in that i'm so busy just trying to get the thing built... but still... yeah, its weird.
      • You're going to be in my daily email from *you know where I work* probably. They like to send out factoids on anything technology related.

        Oh, and is teamsite worse than Crystal Reports?
  • maybe when this project is finished you'll have more time to rock.

    good to get an update. be well.

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
