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Journal robi2106's Journal: Masters Student Animation - Kiwi! 10

Just stumbled on to this gem on YouTube.

A very well done master's student animation with some great motion. I had a roommate working on student animations for his digital arts degree so I know the hard work that goes into these. Very good keyframing or even better scripting software. Probably keyframed.

Spoilers Below this point.....









Does the kiwi die? Does it matter?


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Masters Student Animation - Kiwi!

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  • Yes the kiwi dies. Yes it matters because that's what makes it touching and poignant -- that's how badly he wanted to fly.
    • Good catch on the titel.... changed.

    • Aw, who says the kiwi dies? Maybe he's nailed some pillows to the bottom of the mountain, or it slowly curves out and he can skid to a stop minus some feathers?
      • See that is what I told myself. I thought that if he was going to bother hauling up all those trees then he probably pilled a bunch of feathers into a massive pillow at the bottom. Yeah that's it.

      • by turg ( 19864 ) *
        Well, I think that we can at least agree on this: If it was made clear that he didn't die, the video would be much less interesting/deep/affecting (as demonstrated by your wanting to believe that he didn't die).
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • it reminded me of the end of crouching tiger when jen lu makes a wish and jumps into the clouds. i think it was because you couldn't see the bottom so you didn't have a feeling of the ground even though you know it's there in the back of your mind.
    • been so long since I saw that movie that I don't remember that part. In fact I think I only saw it once and that was shortly after it released.


"All the people are so happy now, their heads are caving in. I'm glad they are a snowman with protective rubber skin" -- They Might Be Giants
