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Journal eno2001's Journal: VOTING DAY: Yet Another Waste of Time 13

There is only one reason I vote. So that I can complain like crazy about how everything is going to hell in a handbasket and numbnuts can't tell me I don't have a right to complain because I didn't vote. That's it. There is no other reason. I have no faith that my vote counts thanks to the Electoral College. And now that we only have the option of absentee voting and Diebold machines, well that pretty much makes having my vote accurately counted a near impossibility. I also know that since I refuse to compromise my core beliefs and they are somewhat out of sync with the average person due to be well thought out, that the likelihood of something or someone that I vote FOR passing is a near impossiblility. However, I MUST have a reason to vote and the one stated above is the only one I can think of. I skipped the 1988 election (when I turned 18) and when I was complaining about the Gulf War someone told me I didn't have a right to complain since I didn't vote. That will NEVER happen again. But that doesn't mean I have any faith in the system at all. I see it as a giant waste of time. Not only that, but I live in the one liberal pocket of sanity in the state of Ohio. We USED to be able to swing votes, but thanks to redistricting caused by the 2000 census, we no longer have that power. So now Ohio appears to be a Red State because the knobs in Columbus gamed the system to their favor. This puts me in a very unenviable position. I vote for all the right things. Most of the people I know here vote for all the right things. Hell... Kerry (that suckass son of a bitch) WON in the area I live in with 80% in his favor in 2004. But the rest of the state with it's backwards idiot rednecks who trust in "Jayzuz" and think that gay marriage is a bad thing have ruined my city's chances for effecting a vote. It's all so hopeless.

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VOTING DAY: Yet Another Waste of Time

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  • Where the key conspirator on the 2004 debacle is AGAIN in charge of the system, and is running for Governer under his own auspices.

    We would shut Chavez down if he tried something like this!
    • by eno2001 ( 527078 )
      Yeah. I suspect that knob Blackwell is going to win simply because I dno't trust him or his cronies to NOT cheat. And if he wins, he's promised that he will turn Ohio into a state that belongs to "God". And I'm fucking stuck in this festering stinkhole.
      • by ces ( 119879 )
        Given that Herpies has a higher 'favorable' rating than Blackwell does in Ohio I'd have to think him somehow pulling off a win would be a pretty obvious case of fraud.
      • And the appropriation of my money for YOUR charity... to hell with you too... I can't stand the Jewsus freaks but to hell with you redistributers of wealth... I had respect for you until that comment. I voted libertarian and had the sole conscience that I had actually voted for GOOD people... people who were honest with themselves... enlightened self interest is the only way to be truly honest, whenever you claim a higher calling, it simply means you've failed to find enough evidence to prove your point so
        • by eno2001 ( 527078 )
          My problem with rational self interest is that it does not address the problem of people who, by no fault of their own, do not have the faculties to actually succeed in this mess of a world we live in. My personal example is that I HATE and LOATHE competition. I suck at it. competitive sports? Forget it, I can't do it and have no interest doing it. I don't want to be a part of it. So when it comes to my livelihood, I certainly don't want to have to compete to live. That's total crap. I want as much o
          • NO EXCUSE... read that: NO EXCUSE.

            I put myself through college, and I had troubles and I didn't make excuses, well, at first, when I was a brainwashed socialist, I did, and then I woke up and realized, when you expect others to care for you, you have NO right to complain about any wrongs, because you're their slave, their property... if they provide for you, they can take from you rightfully, you are nothing but livestock, being fed, and later sacrificed.

            Fighting (for survival, profit, gain, understanding,
            • Sorry you're so bitterly enamoured of your viewpoint. But the fact that you can't see past a difference in beliefs (as I said I will NEVER be competitive as I think it's the asshole's way to live) and must attack me to bolster your chosen way of life is the perfect illustration of why I hate politics. In general, I'm sure you and I have very similar goals, and the only reason for the huge chasm of difference between us is the political system to which we are all forced into participating in. However, pol
              • A SACK OF: SHIT... we all are, that's how digestion works. As a slashdot poster and geek, I presumed you'd get the joke.

                The only difference is if you're lazy minded (let someone else handle it) or aggressive (take charge, solve problems that arise, freespirit, trailblazer, hunter/gatherer, shaman, etc)

                The other mentallity are the lazy manipulatives, aka the politicians, most of them couldn't survive if they had to COMPETE, hence I wish it was a competitive hunter gatherer / builder livestyle, because the p
                • by eno2001 ( 527078 )
                  OK. Fair enough. I DID miss the joke and with your explanation can now appreciate it. I still hold to my feeling that I don't like the aggressive personality at all. But then again I'm also a mixed bag: I'm the most type-A type-B person you'll ever meet. I like to live and let live for the most part, but I get fierce when I believe in something. It's just that I happen to believe in only a few basic things and that's it.
            • Oh... one more thing. If you really feel that strongly about your "lazy sack" theory, then I suggest you need to extend it to babies and children since they rely on a lot of help to get going instead of just shooting out of the birth canal into a personally responsible life. ;P (I'm just having fun now. To make sure you know I don't take politics THAT seriously)
              • Social sedentary life has been far worse on humans... presume the monkeys lived in cities for 5000 years, I bet they'd stop having strong healthy babies too. Betcha if dogs got cut loose, lots of them would survive in the wild, humans are far less likely to survive in the rurals, nevermind the wild, we're just far weaker, so our young are weaker. We were not always like this, even my grandparents were healthier than we are today. Strange, they were farmers, and took almost no vitamins, no pills, NOTHING,

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