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Journal banky's Journal: I don't know what's worse 4

Explaining to customers "no you CANNOT have a fully ADA-accessible site, that's entirely spinny-flash things", or explaining to blind people "sorry but they specifically want the site to LOOK a certain way and, well, you know".

We've been through this TWICE already. It's painful.

And of course, for both sites, there was absolutely no evidence anyone with a screenreader had ever hit the site ONCE, but they're gov't, so, gotta do it.

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I don't know what's worse

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  • Involved helping blind library patrons access web resources.

    HOTMAIL SUCKS. 50 ads, then the inbox link.

    It was theoretically accessible though. Took 30 minutes to check a message...

    The sad thing is how trivial it is to make a site easy to access.

    If somebody wants spiny pretty crap, SLAP THEM. Or at least explain to them that they can make it accessible as well. The spiny flashy stuff should all be isolated from the actual content.

    Last time I checked, Flash tends to be a bunch of buttons that can be tabbe
  • I need to make a brail device that communicates flash animations to the blind! Basically it would be a vise-like object that the blind person sticks his hand into. When he/she encounters a flash site, it could smash his/her hand as the text (if any) is read aloud. That would pretty much communicate the blinding flash messages I see on a regular basis (well, at least the ones I saw before I got adblock).
    • I have a similar idea, but it involves the user wearing a rather stylish helmet with a special mount for the ball peen hammer...

      • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
        If you sell some of these with a hammer that can be activated remotely with a button I'll take two.

Single tasking: Just Say No.
