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Journal red5's Journal: Roasting marshmallows on a burning bridge 4

I'll try to make this last post about my former employer.

I receved a call from somebody at work today asking me to take down my latest JE "One week to live" because the bosses at work "found" it and people were getting in trouble. I did this as a favor to him and not because I was afraid of the consequences as there are none. Yes I'll probably never work from any of them ever again. Of course thats why I quit on friday. I don't want to. The only consequence I was worried about was getting my friends in trouble and well that already happened by the time I took it down, so what's the point?

It's back up in it's full glory if you want to see what caused all this trouble.
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Roasting marshmallows on a burning bridge

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  • I'll be right there with some graham crackers and chocolate bars!

    Anyway, it sounds like the people you worked for were none too pleasant anyway- they probably weren't very good bridges to begin with. I personally think the response to your JE was more than a bit childish, but that's just me.
  • Thank you for making things comprehensible. I had wondered what the [CENSORED] on your journal earlier referred to, the replies to it hadn't made perfect sense. how did you get to censor yourself? i thought all /. posts were permanent, hence the 'preview' button.

    i remember being dismissed from a job unexpectedly, took me months to not be bitter. the bastards had called up th...ok, it's taking years. at least you got a lunch out of the endgame.

    personal bias: never burn bridges unless you are dealing with police officers or vampires.

    school's overwhelming. journal entries may have to wait a bit, though i'm tempted to commit to 45 minutes later. no promises. this [] is my schedule, and the bus service [] is worse than i anticipated.
    • Thank you for making things comprehensible. I had wondered what the [CENSORED] on your journal earlier referred to, the replies to it hadn't made perfect sense. how did you get to censor yourself? i thought all /. posts were permanent, hence the 'preview' button.

      Well thats true of comments Journals can be edited and deleted.

      personal bias: never burn bridges unless you are dealing with police officers or vampires.

      Something tells me there's a lot of cross over in those two groups. I didn't intend to burn the bridge but they found my journal. Ho well. I'm not loseing sleep over it.

      school's overwhelming. journal entries may have to wait a bit, though i'm tempted to commit to 45 minutes later. no promises. this is my schedule, and the bus service is worse than i anticipated.

      Stick too it you'll get there. When you finally do make your next JE, perhaps you should look into a better title. ;-)

Heard that the next Space Shuttle is supposed to carry several Guernsey cows? It's gonna be the herd shot 'round the world.
