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Journal banky's Journal: SMM: What kind of hand-held video game system? 8

(SMM == "Spend My Money")

Ok so I'm still stuck on which console to buy... but in the mean time, tell me what kind of hand-held system I want to buy to play dopey video games. PSP? DS?

Parameters: Recommendation must include at least 1 game. Do not say, "XYZ cuz it gots better gamez yo". Gimme some hits.

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SMM: What kind of hand-held video game system?

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  • Would you really want to watch movies on a dinky little hand-held screen?

    The DS is cool and has a ton of great games:
    • New Super Mario Bros.
    • Star Fox Command
    • Mario Kart DS
    • Mario and Luigi Partners in Time
    • Brain Age
    • WarioWare Touched!
    • Animal Crossing: Wild World
    • Nintendogs
    • Meteos
    • Advance Wars

    Of course, it all depends on what type of games you like...
    • Is Metroid Hunters any good??
      • by arb ( 452787 )
        I've only played the free demo version that came with my DS and it seemed pretty good. Not being a huge fan of the Metroid franchise I might not be the best person to judge it though, but I liked what I saw...
  • It cost like, $8 to download (which nearly made me choke) but it's all I'll ever need.

    For no reason at all, I'd say go the DS route, but wait until you hear from a PSP owner or two...
    • by banky ( 9941 )
      I got the TOTALLY ROCKIN 'Doom RPG' on my phone, which is da bomb, and the impetus for all this. I totally want something similar.
      • by mekkab ( 133181 )
        Glad to hear it! Unless you care about movies (in which case the only option is the PSP) I think the DS can almost fit in a pocket... making it the hands down winner.

        I used to have some games on a palm pilot (step up from a cell, but step down from a real handheld system). But the palm turned out to be a pain in the arse for basically phone numbers and addresses; something I can keep in a phone (and my phone isn't top of the line, either, but it does have color).

        So now I'm down to one device thats a phone,
  • Nintendo DS with:

    Clubhouse Games
    Mario Kart DS
    Advance Wars DS
    Brain Age (primarily for the Sudoku)

    Should take care of all your needs.......

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