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WTF is Billy Crystal doing at the world series?

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  • That is too funny! But seriously, I think Billy Crystal is like a huge baseball fan. Maybe, during the 7th inning stretch, he will do a little monologue or something for you. :)
    • Bah, if it's anything like the game last night my TV will be off by the fourth inning. Otherwise- the mute button is there for a reason!

      I can't stand the guy (he bugs me more than Tom Cruise), but for some reason everyone else I know finds him hilarious.
      • Well, I'm not a big fan of his either. I can't even sit through any of his movies. I think he thinks he's a lot funnier than he actually he is. He has this "trying too hard" kinda personality that really irks me.

OS/2 must die!
