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Journal red5's Journal: Discovered! 7

My cover has been blown. My journal was discovered. Causing heaps of trouble for the people at work.

Quick note to my former boss if you're still reading.

This thing has the readership of like 25, Nobody in "the industry" is watching and even if they were they'd have no way to figure out who I work for ( well now that 'bigtraz' commented in my journal it's trivial ). I never mention anyone or anyplace by name. Look at the robots.txt for slashdot The searchengins will never archive this page. What are you uptight about?

As for Heineken wanting to quit also I don't know perhaps he was just saying it to make me feel better. Who cares? This is just my place to vent. It's what keeps me the happy go lucky kid we all knew.
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  • Yeah, it keeps you a young man, but we all know that the other thing your journal entries do is get you laid. "Boss", if you are still watching, thanks for all of the good content. The chicks really dig red5 now, and we (the readership of 50+) think he should turn his journal entries into television mini series. Seriously, red5 is the closest thing to an internet "ROCK STAR" I know. Way to go red... "f" the system, and old employers.

    the views expressed in this comment are not those that red5 has expressed in his journals, nor do these ideas reflect the views (or values) of red5, those who are related to, doing business with, or read his journal entries

    hey red... go ahead and email me those notes about your boss... I'll start posting them in my journal, as if they where my own... If you boss is as doltish as you say, we'll be free and clear...

    Here's to you red.... ROCK ON!!!!

    the veiws expressed in this comment are not those that red5 has expressed in his journals, nor do these ideas reflect the views (or values) of red5, those who are related to, doing bussiness with, or read his jounrnal entries

    hey red... go ahead and email me those notes about your boss... I'll start posting them in my journal, as if they where my own... If you boss is as doltish as you say, we'll be free and clear...

    Heres to you red.... ROCK ON!!!!
  • I hope that you aren't in too serious trouble. But perhaps your employers awareness of the /. journal system can be utilized in a positive manner, not just their worry that confidential information would be available to undesirables. Your journaling allows you access to the opinion of an interesting niche society. Maybe you could post queries (such as Em Emalb's pick em series) and get free public opinion about areas that your company is interested in.

    Or they could respect your privacy and common sense of not posting sensitive information in a public forum. If you are in a position that they trust you with sensitive topics, they should also trust that you would not be irresponsible with them.
  • Only I used the actual name of the company, people, etc. To the best of my memory, you've never done that, right?

    • Well yeah. They have nothing on me because.
      1. I don't work for them anymore.
      2. Everything I said is true.
      3. Even if it weren't I never name names. How can it be slander If I never tell who I'm talking about. I could argue that it's fiction inspired by actual events.
      4. I never signed an NDA or any other legal form.

      Basically I took it down as a favor to a friend, but it's too little too late so I put it back.
      • well, if you are 100% sure of those 4 items, then fuck 'em. I consulted a lawyer in my occurence.

        If you didn't sign an NDA, then they REALLY can't do shit to you.

        If you didn't use actual names, but you DID use common "screen names" or names which could be linked via additional searching, then it can be slightly problematic.

        And if you don't work for them.. fuck it. Who cares? If everything you said is true, then they can't do shit... except that you may not have the time or money to defend a suit.

If a thing's worth having, it's worth cheating for. -- W.C. Fields
