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Journal banky's Journal: Second verse, same as the first 2

Hey, look, new Zend Framework preview release! I wonder if it still sucks.


(Writes some code)

Yeah, still sucks.

Once again, "open source" product concentrates heavily on pet itches and gee-wizzery, instead of doing the grunt work like, "make it easy to have the same app be switchable from dev to production without server-wide configuration or writing lots of extra, possibly fragile code".

Seriously, asshats. CakePHP does this; I can take the same app and deploy it from dev to prod without any serious work ... But hey, Zend has an entirely new MySQLi layer! Again! In a 0.20 preview release!

In other news, I hate every last one of you.

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Second verse, same as the first

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  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by banky ( 9941 )
      For all its flaws, CakePHP works more or less, out of the box and as advertised; the Zend Framework is fully buzzword-and-popular-kid compliant, and thus enables me to do nothing (I want a better way to write code, not PHP-enable my toaster with Ajax-ified JSON on Rails.)

      It's all been downhill since COBOL.

"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson
