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Journal Dirtside's Journal: Party on, dude 4

"I'm a Republican."

"I'm a Democrat."

"I'm a Libertarian."

"I'm a person who sees the world in terms of black and white, because reality is just too hard."

Does anyone seriously think that a word like "Democrat" or "Republican" is adequate to sum up their political beliefs? Ask detailed questions of any two people who call themselves a "Democrat" and you'll find that they disagree on a lot of things. Minor points, most of them, but there are major issues that people calling themselves "Democrats" do not agree on. Same goes for "Republicans," or "Libertarians," or whatever.

Yet we humans really like to categorize things. We like to have convenient little slots to put people into, because it makes thinking about them easier. It's easier to deal with the world if everyone's divided into "us" and "them." "Us" is all the people who look like me, who think like me, who believe what I believe. "Them" is everyone else -- and "they" are evil. "They" want to destroy my way of life. "They" want to do horrible, unspeakable things to our women and children. We must fight "them"!

We don't just put people into convenient slots. We do the same with issues. I keep thinking about the whole "global warming" issue -- is there really global warming? Is it overblown hype? And so on. I don't have a position on the issue, mostly because I've read countless words on both sides, vehemently disagreeing with the other, and for the most part, launching useless ad hominem attacks. Nobody seems to be interested in finding out what the truth is -- everyone just wants "their" side to be right. Why? Presumably so they can gloat, and live contentendly with the issue nicely resolved.

Think about a politician you really find odious. Someone who is always on the wrong side of issues. Now think about them as a person. They have family. They have friends. They laugh at things. They get bored. They think things are dumb, or tasty. They're human beings.

Most people don't like thinking of them that way, or at all, if possible. Life is difficult enough to get through without spending lots of mental energy thinking about the stuff that doesn't directly affect you. So it's kind of understandable. But until the majority of humans can't see beyond their own little world and problems, I don't think things will get much better -- because those who have the power (politicians and the rich) will be able to abuse the system as long as everyone else lets them get away with it.

This political rant brought to you by Ninja Burger. Your food in 30 minutes or less, or they commit seppuku.

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Party on, dude

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  • Think about a politician you really find odious.

    Ok... got one. Make that two. Er... five. (Three sir!) Three!
    Before I continue with these politicians, I'll bring up a point you make in your next paragraph.

    ...because those who have the power (politicians and the rich) will be able to abuse the system as long as everyone else lets them get away with it.

    The reason I find these particular politicians odius is not because they disagree with me. It is because they are willing to abuse the system. They don't give a tinker's damn about people except as a way to make a buck, or get a vote. In other words, you aren't worth anything unless you benefit the politician. This behavior is completely sociopathic.

    Someone who is always on the wrong side of issues.

    Issues aside, sociopaths are very unpleasant people. They are your friend only so long as you can further their goals. They are ass-kissers par excellence. People who behave like this are usually secretly disliked by their peers. No one really likes an ass-kisser except another ass-kisser who is getting his/her ass kissed. (On a related note, how much wood would a woodchuck... never mind.)

    Now think about them as a person. They have family. They have friends. They laugh at things. They get bored. They think things are dumb, or tasty. They're human beings.

    Their humanness is the last thing you probably want to investigate. Showing color videos of Adolph Hitler having a garden party, visiting with small children, etc. are frequently not shown because it was (and is) considered very taboo to want to show him in any kind of sympathetic light. When you see videos of Der Fuehrer hugging small children, smiling, laughing at a party with friends, it requires that you force yourself to remember that this man, happy and joking on the screen, is the man who ordered the deaths of six million human beings.

    So let's take Dubya as an example. His views may be different, sure. However, like many politicians, he is a spoiled, rich boy. He doesn't care who he hurts to retain his power. Screw the rest of the world; we're going after Iraq so we can control the 2nd largest proven oil reserves in the world! Saudi Arabia can't possibly put the pressure on us after that. Cheap gas for all, an endless supply of future pollutants, and best of all, G.W.B. gets rich as King Midas in the process.

    Having said all that, let me back up and start agreeing with you. ;)

    The one key phrase I left out of a statement I quoted from you is:

    as long as everyone else lets them get away with it.

    And herein lies the crux of the problem. People will continue to let them get away with it because they don't really believe they're being lied to at every turn. They act like they don't know who to trust, but take every politician and major media outlet at their word. And why shouldn't they? Everyone is so comfortable, they don't really care that their civil liberties are being stripped away from them. Who cares if every call you make is monitored, so long as you can get lots of free minutes on your cell phone? And so what if your car has a GPS tracking unit? That's so it will be easier to find if it's stolen, right? Right? We can fight obvious evils, but complacency is the most dangerous foe imaginable.

    "Power to the people, Marty."
    "Power to the people, Cos."
    --- Sneakers

    How do you make people willing to wield that power, when it means doing so will inconvenience them? They won't be able to buy things as cheaply, own as much crap, consume whatever they want, watch all the TV they can, work two jobs and send the kids to daycare, etc. It would mean change. And people won't change. Will they?

    I had a friend who got sent on a special overseas "field trip" arrangement when in school. Other people on the trip included the children of many very powerful political figures. (Careers in politics tend to run in families, as a prominent politician's child is assured an easy way out of every situation [look at Dubya's underage daughters drinking] along with almost certain employment.) Anyway, this person reported that these children were amazingly spoiled, and, instead of trying to get the most out of the incredible educational experience being offered to them, they spent the whole time partying and snorting coke. So much for our future world leaders.

If it wasn't for Newton, we wouldn't have to eat bruised apples.
