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You have got to be kidding me!

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  • "...the animals themselves wanted sex"

    I'm sorry... Was this the Doctor Doolittle Animal BustaNut House? How do they know this stuff?

    I'm sure I'm not the only one, so let's all say it together. Ready?


    • by nizo ( 81281 ) *

        "...the animals themselves wanted sex"

      I'm sorry... Was this the Doctor Doolittle Animal BustaNut House? How do they know this stuff?

      Why else would the sheep be dressed like sluts?

      Ok now I have to figure out how to get the image of sheep dressed like Madonna out of my head...

      • I'd suggest alcohol, but with that mental image, who knows what you'd do? Bah....
      • The sad thing is there is a little part of me that wants to know what you imagine a slutty sheep to look like.
        Do you fantasize am old school sheepy Madonna with a wedding dress or a pointy bra, or is it modern Madonna with a leotard and fishnets or a tracksuit?
        • by nizo ( 81281 ) *

          Initially it was the oldschool pointy bra, but now I have a whole new set of images to start my day with! Time for an icepick through the eyesocket!!! I guess this would be one of the disadvantages of an active imagination.

    • by turg ( 19864 )
      How do they know this stuff?

      Well, the animals are (future) pieces of meat, right? And they've been left out in the sun.
  • A farmer asked a friend to recommend an attorney to defend him against a charge of bestiality. "I know a great trial lawyer," the
    fellow said, "but he's expensive and doesn't know how to pick a jury.

    I know another lawyer," he continued, "who's not a great trial lawyer, but he's cheap and really knows how to pick a jury."

    The farmer settled on the cheap attorney, but immediately had second thoughts when the key witness, a neighbor, began his testimony. "I saw Jud mount his goat from behind," he said, "and when
  • If they aren't offing themselves they're surrendering to Russia! Get the fuck out of the dark you freaks!
  • ... whether to cry or throw up. According to this article in Swedish, [] the Danish farmer claims that 26 people have paid 500 kroner the past 6 months to have sex with his pony Max. Prospective clients are warned not to wear perfume and also that Max might step on their toes during the act.
    • We have to remind ourselves that Max the pony is a professional with years of experience who actually wants sex.

      Why choose! I'm crying and throwing up at the same time.

Nothing makes a person more productive than the last minute.
