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Journal MiTEG's Journal: The Miramar Air Show 3

The Miramar Marine Base is putting on an air show this weekend. I live only about three miles away from the base (La Jolla), so I was annoyed all morning by the noise.

I may end up going tommorrow, but it's $8 a person and I can see just as much if I just go somewhere closer to the base.

The coolest part was turning on the TV to find the show broadcast and my sound system being overwhelmed by the noise outside.

Now if only the sun would come out. It hasn't been out here in over almost a week. :(

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The Miramar Air Show

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  • Please refrain from reminding me of all the joys of SoCal. Don't make me foe you :)

    Heh. Back in the real world. I never did make it to a show down there, but I flew out of there once. C-130. Nifty plane. Loud, slow, looks like it is going to fall out of the sky at times.

    I think the weather is crappy all over the US right now, so don't worry, it'll change soon enough.

    Sidenote: You live in La Jolla? How far from SDSU? Enjoying the view of the laides there I take it?
    • Yeah, well, 65 degree temps year round has its downsides too. ;)

      The show isn't really unique. I think most airfields around the country have yearly shows, I know the one at Moffett Field in Sunnyvale is pretty much the same deal. But still fun to watch. Yeah, the C-130 is pretty cool. I was driving by the base yesterday when they were showing off its low speed maneuverability by flying it around the base. It honestly did look like it was about to fall out of the sky.

      Yup, living in La Jolla right now. I don't live too close to SDSU, it's about a 20 minute drive from here. I live a lot closer to UCSD, it's about a 5 minute walk from here. For some perspective, I live about a 2 minute walk from this Domino's Pizza [yahoo.com]. Very convenient. :) So mostly I enjoy the UCSD ladies, though at the beach it's a combination.

"Being against torture ought to be sort of a bipartisan thing." -- Karl Lehenbauer
