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Journal frankie's Journal: Is There a Good Candidate Near Baltimore?

I think I'd like to take a week off from work and volunteer for a campaign. Make it a biennial standard (starting last time). However, I'm having trouble finding a worthwhile challenger to support. The only bad guy within 300km who approaches the "oh my God this guy has to GO" level of Dubya is Senator Rick "Anal Froth" Santorum, but Casey has the win wrapped up already. All Bob needs to do is keep his happy face in the public eye, and not have a scandal.

So without a true bogeyman allowing me to overlook a candidate's flaws, I must consider my main policy criteria: the Neodemocratic Platform of smaller Federal government, fiscal responsibility, and states' rights (with the exception of world-affecting issues like defense, the environment & foreign trade). You know, the stuff that neither of the duopoly has been doing in my entire political lifetime?

Is there anyone even remotely similar to my positions? Suggestions & discussion would be greatly appreciated.

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Is There a Good Candidate Near Baltimore?

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