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Christmas Cheer

Journal red5's Journal: The Transporter and Canadian Thanksgiving 3

As I said earlier I really wanted to see the transporter. I called my sister earlier this week and sorta made plans to go see it Friday night.

Friday while I was out of the office she left a message for me. Her flatmate was having a birthday dinner that night and I was invited. I have no problem with this I guess I can see the movie after dinner or the next day.

The dinner was at this nice Thai restaurant off of Sunset right by Amoeba. Stupid side note: Last year on Valentine's day the roomate didn't have a valentine. So we went on a "date" at this restaurant. I bought her flowers and every thing it was funny as hell (and before you ask no I didn't get any).

Many fun people were there. Very few of them people I know. There was this one girl who said "Hi" to me when I showed up like she knew me. I later found out that I met her at my sisters party. I think I did a good job of playing off the fact that I had no idea who she was. I must have met her while I was drunk. ( Why do all me stories involve the phrase "And I was so drunk" it's like the old testament and the phrase "and then god became angry").

After than we headed off to that karaoke bar on Sunset and Gower. I watched this one girl totally butcher foolish games by Jewel. I hope for her sake she was drunk. That's not something I'd want to remember. Nobody in our party felt like singing after that

I got home around 12:30 (really early for me). So I called up my friend oenophile to see if he wanted to go somewhere (he called me before I went to dinner and I said I call him if I got out early).
He didn't answer and neither did Heineken so I had a beer (okay a few beer) and watched some TV.

We all had to go into work on Saturday because we were very late this week. My job's for the moment were to re-install this Compaq and build three 1Us. I installed it and for the life of me I couldn't make it boot. I'd just get "LI" at the LILO screen. I recompiled the kernel 4 times. Then I finally remembered to turn on the Linear flag in the lilo.conf.

By this time it was almost 6 and I didn't have all the parts for the 1Us anyhow (I needed 1U cpu fans, and more IDE cables). So fuck it.

I called my sister and asked her if she wanted to see transporter. She was down but she wanted to buy a present for her roommate first. I did too so we went shopping together and then saw the movie.

So get to the point already was it good? Well let me put it this way:
If you go to the movie and leave 15 minutes before the end you will see most of a really cool movie. Stay to the end and you will see one of the worst endings in movie history. The ending was 18 different kinds of lame. God that ending sucked.

Tonight we had Canadian thanksgiving dinner (It's officially held tomorrow but Sunday is more convenient.) So happy thanksgiving to freq, afxgrin, eugene ts wong, http, and all the Canadian /.ers I forgot to mention. :)

It was quite a feat getting a fresh turkey this time of year but we managed. First my mom got one from Albertson's and it turned out to be bad. She brought it back and they only had one more to give her which when they checked it, turned out to also be bad. :(

My sister had to go to wholefoods in glendale to get a fresh turkey. This old guy walked up to her at the check out line, poked it, and shot her a confused look. "You're looking at me funny? You're the one who just walked up and poked my turnkey."

Anyway the dinner tuned out great. My dad made three wonderful desserts. Creme brule, Cheese Cake and I'm not sure what the last one is called but damn is it good. :)

Oh and lastly probably the best joke of the night:
George W Bush is talking to the king of Saudi Arabia.
King: "On the show Startrek they have people from all over the earth. they have Africans, Japanese, and even Russian. Why don't they have any Arabs?"
George W: "Ah, thats because it takes place in the future."
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The Transporter and Canadian Thanksgiving

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  • I looked at the jpg & I must say, the one in the middle looks good. It reminds me of mango pudding which is really just real mango pulp mixed with unflavoured jello.

    I liked your joke.

    It sounds like you had a good Thanksgiving weekend despite work and the movie ending.

    Ours was quite good. We celebrated on Monday night and it went well in that I had a good time chatting with relatives that I don't usually see too much.

    An interesting tidbit that my cousin shared with me is that there are a few shows on HGTV that talk about using space to the fullest. One of them is "This Small Space". I'm really looking forward to watching it.
    • I looked at the jpg & I must say, the one in the middle looks good. It reminds me of mango pudding which is really just real mango pulp mixed with unflavoured jello.

      Sounds very nice. That orange dessert is the Creme brule. The reason that it's orage and not white is because it's pumpkin creme brule. I like the origional better but it's still quite good.

      An interesting tidbit that my cousin shared with me is that there are a few shows on HGTV that talk about using space to the fullest. One of them is "This Small Space". I'm really looking forward to watching it.

      Ahh. HGTV it's been a while since I've seen that chanel. :)
    • Ours was quite good. We celebrated on Monday night...
      Oops... I realized only a few hours after posting this, that we actually had ours on Sunday night. At the time of posting, it felt as if it were Tuesday, even though it was Monday afternoon.

Heard that the next Space Shuttle is supposed to carry several Guernsey cows? It's gonna be the herd shot 'round the world.
