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Journal Ashtead's Journal: Accidental Flamebait 2

What is up with these selection-boxes for moderation? I just had some points, and awarded Insightful and Interesting to several posts. Then when I hit the Moderate button, one of them has become Flamebait? That just is obviously wrong. The post was not Flamebait but Interesting.

So I posted instead, making it past all the dire warnings about moderating being undone, so that Flamebait was extinguished, as it were. And I wasted 3 points.... but I guess that's better than the alternative.

I have had this happen once before, and the moderation then was eventually reported as Unfair. Is there a bug in the GUI or something?

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Accidental Flamebait

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  • ...hire Diebold for some code upgrade?
    • by Ashtead ( 654610 )

      Who knows. :) Meanwhile I have discovered another little weirdness.

      This time the awards of Interesting stayed put, so that particular bug didn't appear. But when being invited to meta-mod ("you are currenlty eligible, why not do it now" -thing) the resulting page gives a terse: "The moderation system for Slashdot is currently down." and has been that way since early today when I first discovered it. But the 3 mod-points I spent on some posts in the discussion on Enigma and "the bombe" remain spent, and th

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